Hey Farm To Table Fam! I hope you had an amazing fourth of july! We most certainly did. We saw nearly 40 people come to know Christ and had three concerts spreading the Gospel! This precious child was one of those Saved by Jesus Christ. Matthew 18:3 says "Most certainly I tell you, unless you turn and become as little children, you will in no way enter into the Kingdom of Heaven". Many would say that this little guy is too young or is not smart enough yet to know what it means to go to Heaven or to know Jesus Christ, but that simply is not true. Jesus actually says in Mark 10:14-15 "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it". That is amazing! God has given His only Son Jesus and brought Him to earth as a baby, raised as a child to earthly parents and made a way to Save the world! I believe its actually easier for a child to grasp and understand the Gospel because the world hasn't had time to corrupt their mind and hearts. I'm so glad that God made it easy for even a child to understand the Gospel. So it begs the question, "How are we doing with our own kids?" Are we teaching them the Gospel? Are we making sure we have done everything in our power to share with them how to be Saved? No time is better than this present moment! There's a thing called "The Romans Road" Google that and try to find a way to share the Gospel by scripture with your kids or grandkids. I promise you, you will be so happy you did! ❤ Rock
Here's the link to the new book "Farm To Table Series, Keep On Truckin' "Josaky" "You Call, We Haul"
Here's a link to the new soundtrack: https://youtu.be/VGlwbxRDrfM?feature=shared